-=RyGenDo Server=-

Visit Malaysia Garena

Note to RyGenDo Member please download Complexity Demo Player for demo view usage (Download by Clicking here) The link was edited at 21/1/2011 as complexity demo player is better. please redownload

Rank and Rank...

Official Rank
Unknown: Position Unknown
Newbie: New to CS
Soldier: Know Basic function of CS
Gunner: Know Skill of CS
G. Gunner (Great Gunner): Know Advance Skill of CS
Sniper: Basic Sniper
Deadly Sniper: Advance Sniper
Spec-Ops: Sub-machine Gunner
B.S.O (Black Spec-Ops): Advance Sub-machine Gunner
Shotgunner: Shotgun User
A. Shotgunner (Advance Shotgunner): Advance Shotgun User
CT Gunner: CT available Gun User
T Gunner: T available Gun User
Both Gunner: Both available Gun User
Heavy Gunner: M249 Gunner

Special Rank - Which is not possible to earn
Killer: Know the Basic of Advance Killing Skill
Shadow Hitler: Expert at killing people with stealth
Silent Hit: Expert at killing people with Silent Weapon
Head Addict: Just like head hunter except he/she is addict to it
H4xx0r: Everybody call him Hacker
----------------------------------------Warning Point Below---------------------------------
Apocalypse Predator: ???
Final Line of Defence: Their Training of weapon has reach final stage and the last mission to kill them (MASTER ALL WEAPON)
The Missing Eagle: The great eye sight from above the sky allow eagle to find its prey now its yours now (AWP MASTERED)
The Missing Dragon: ???
The Missing Wolf: ???
The Missing Shark: ???
Retired: You master the game and have nothing more to learn so you decide to leave the game to teach younger generation about the game